Sunday, September 18, 2011

Boccia al Finocchio – Tasting

The boccia al finocchio has been ready for a while, but I’m just not getting around to writing about it.
I apparently forgot to take notes on timing so I can’t say how long it stayed in the curing chamber, nor how much loss there was when I took it out! I’m assuming it was 2 or so months and about 35% loss.
Either way, I’ve been enjoying it quite a lot!
It’s got GREAT flavor, but the fennel is not strong enough, in fact, I can barely taste it. It could easily use twice as much next time.

20110821-IMG_4829 Picture of the sliced boccia. I’m surprised I was able to pack the meat into the bladder well enough to avoid air pockets. There are some small ones, but they’re pretty minor really.
20110821-IMG_4835 Nice thin slice. Plain or on a sandwich this stuff is fantastic. Fat content is right on, salt is nice, but fennel is way too low.

I don’t know if the salame is particularly good because I used pastured pork fat, or if it was just a good batch.


  1. I use .75% toasted fennel seeds (then ground) per meat plus fat. I am very partial to fennel. Of coarse I also put .25% toasted and ground corriander seeds per meat and fat among other things. If you want me to send the whole formulation, I'm happy to do so. Frank

  2. thanks Frank, i'll up my fennel to 0.75% or 1%. Interesting combination with the coriander, might have to give that a try!

  3. I use a little fennel pollen which adds a nice taste. Nice blog btw.

  4. Thanks Frank. I have some fennel pollen from Scott @ Sausage Debauchery, i'll definitely use some next time.

  5. Oh wow, I didn't know Scott sold the fennel pollen also! Ill buy it from him next time! I do order the red pepper flakes from him though.

  6. I have always wanted to attempt curing my own meat. I have seen a lot about the ratio of lean protein to fat. Someone told me to try 40%pork shoulder, 40%beef chuck, and 20% veal. What are your thoughts on this mixture?

  7. Blondbomber: using a mix of pork and beef is somewhat unusual, but there are couple of salami that do that (Sant'Olcese for example, which i've made). But I don't think i've seen any that use veal.
    Also, usually beef fat is avoided for it's strong flavor.

  8. Jason/Blondbomber: If you want to make salami with beef fat, use brisket fat. I know Jason knows this but fat from different parts of the carcass have different qualities. It can be difficult to find but worth searching for. I developed an all-beef salami with it which turned out pretty good.

    Also, Jason, I haven't forgotten the promised "care package"... one day I'll get it to you. With interest! :-)

  9. Very Pretty!

    I think I'm following a path Scott mentioned a while back...I'm going to focus on a making just few kinds "house" meats & cheeses, just as a routine & make a show piece like this one one a year or so.

    My plans to open a charcuterie shop imploded with the minimum $90K start-up costs required by USDA compliance. :-(


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