Thursday, July 28, 2011

For anyone is still reading....

I've been busy, really busy. I acutally have a couple things I need to post about, I just have to find some time to do it. One of them is quite interesting, so stick around if you're still there!


  1. I read through the RSS feed, love your stuff.
    Just figured I'd speak up as a lurker. ;)

  2. I am still watching, and anytime I see that there is a new post in my food feeds, I hope it is from you.

  3. I'm just getting into the hobby and have been reading through your prior posts often. The results look great and the equipment articles were helpful as well!

    I'm looking forward to any future posts you make!

  4. We need a fix BAD dude! My wife is going to kill me if I keep drumming my fingers on the desktop while I quiver for - you guessed it - a "cure".

  5. Totally new to your blog but will follow it i've become a cured meat junkie

  6. Man, i'm making every single one of your recipe right now. with Japanese porc grown in Nagano (I'm bucher there) please, keep on !

  7. Another slacker post......come al solito.

  8. I am excited I found this site, I love food and history, doing re-enactments as a cook. I am new to making cured meat and I appreciate your time and dedication to this site :)

  9. Another comment to say that this blog fills a niche where there are very few bloggers. You do a good job of giving technical detail on specific salumi, technique, methods, and equipment for the curing hobbyist.

    Seriously, keep it coming. I am hoping to setup my curing chamber in our cellar this fall, just in time for our hog to be ready. I will be using primarily your posts as guidance.

  10. I check in now and then, still here

  11. I recently started studying sausage making and have found you posts very helpful...please keep up the great work!

  12. thanks everyone! I'll try to get some tasting reports up this weekend.

  13. Still watching... Keep it up. I'm about to start my own adventure in meat.

  14. I love reading your blog, curing meats has been something I have wanted to do since I became a chef, and because Im still amassing the needed supplies I look to you to fill that longing gap. Cheers

  15. We're all busy buddy.. do what you can.

    I have about 4 or 5 posts I need to put up .. lots of salmon smoking, salami making, and pickling going on here in between work travel and family fun.


  16. Bet you ate the fiocco without telling us. Give us a peek at the culatello too.

  17. Actually, i have been eating the fiocco...i need to write a post about it:)

  18. Keep the posts coming mate.

  19. keep posting Jason!!



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